Monday, December 21, 2009

Parrot Training African Grey Parrot Training - What Are The Recommended Resources?

African Grey Parrot Training - What Are The Recommended Resources? - parrot training

Is there somewhere I can access the training videos online?


Leo said...

This page looks very good in my opinion:

It is very comprehensive and well-organized. Moreover, it is also regularly updated so that their questions should be dealt with in this forum. Try it out.

BirdLuvr said...

As the owner of a gray, I LOVE who reside in Canada (where the AC), bulletin boards, and the stories and the people who love to help. See also videos to teach in many ways, their birds of different things. Hmmm, what do you want to train? Grays are so smart, it can be difficult to train. You tube has many videos of parrots. Most parrots training sites in the network are the ones where you pay money to see their "method" miracal trainging.

KIM-dobie owner said...

try to go on or go to the Petstore and buy a book. (the book gives you lots of information about the clip as the wings, I think, and do not believe the stories you at toy or should not, etc.) you will also find many answers, go to Google. I know you have to learn the birds definently "Step Up". They step up with your hand to say more in the fingers. If not, then press his belly to his feet, gently and tell him to accelerate. Communication is one thing. and remember what kind of food research in order to feed them! It is still a baby, do not forget too much process, if you socialize him, and become so tame. other wise if he is older, the bite and it hurts. U do not believe, but also the younger animals to bite hard. imagine how an African feel gray bite !!!!! with toys or need to find some good drive. and make sure that the custom of birds BeABLE a toe or anything caught in toys, toys with rope or wire Arent very good. Birds are very intelligent and dismantling of many thingss, took me a bolt bird from its cage, and when I opened the door he fell! are very intelligent! much about him, African Grays one of the most intelligent birds, you learn as much, so fast! They are amazing! Good luck

PS Another trick to keep a stick "to steptic" in hand, corn starch or flour, cover your bird is bleeding ever! For example, if you are bleeding with your finger, apply a little pressure, while in flour, dipped flour, corn starch and hold to the bleeding. Stop (I really recommend, because stands steptic rubbed on the floor of a called "cut, why you should always be nearby, since these points, you must immediately stop the bleeding, the birds could not so much blood Losse die, bleeding should stop as soon as possible if events!

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