Friday, January 15, 2010

Hiv Infection Unsafe Sex With How Many Different Though Uninfected Partners Could Lead To HIV Infection?

Unsafe sex with how many different though uninfected partners could lead to HIV infection? - hiv infection

You wonder about this ... had unprotected sex with many different partners, but not infected cause of HIV infection? Someone asked me if I have a number of infected girls sex without having had the risk of infection. And he stresses the non-use of condoms!

I called him stupid, perverse, but the question still remains!


LINDA R said...

There is no way to catch HIV from one person who is not infected.

The absence of symptoms are given a lot of people through unprotected sex with people who do not yet know that they are infected infected.

John S said...

You can not transmit the virus to another person if it is already. And he is 100% that all HIV-negative partners know there is no risk of default. Most of the time when people "sure" that someone HIV-negative had no idea what that means, it is a risk, especially without using condoms.

Masseur_... said...

When someone is infected, do not have to worry about, the problem is that I do not know who is infected or not ... the United States, the possibility that someone is infected, less than 1%, but this number rises significantly if the people in prostitution, sex with high risk and have sex with many other people

sean said...

There are some diseases that can BASSEDAS even with a condom. And if this disease are not aware of until some years later, so if you have sex with someone who might be, and you get years later, he discovered that Figueres has
check for yourself and you will be more attentive, he must consider parter

Kay G said...

ONE! unprotected sex with a once "infected" and find out years later they were actually infected, and with you and think to report ... has the same thing. The answer to your question ... ONE.

Brandon S said...

1 / 2000, if they are infected, can infect you can probably about twice as high 1 / 1000, if you have an STD active, open wounds ecspecially

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